************Show You Love Escorts are now hiring ladies. 8 positions left../.Driver's as well.**** - 32
(Brooklyn, All five boroughs)
Upscale In call spot for Rent ASAP ladies - 29
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn (old mill basin))
Looking for BIG BOOTY WOMEN! If you are a sexy woman with a big booty please apply $$$$$ - 28
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn And Surrounding Areas)
%%%%## Perfect location room for rent! - 20
(Brooklyn, Bensonhurs)
I'm looking for a room to rent for my InCalls (50/50 splits) - 20
(Brooklyn, East NY, Liberty Ave, Shepherd Ave)
Free accommodations while working/dancing in NYC - 38
(Brooklyn, NYC)
((!!ATTN!!)) LooKinG FoR SEXY LADIES oF All SHaPeS and SiZeS - 34
(Brooklyn, bklyn/qnz)
rent room for massage/good conditions/ave m & ocean ave/ 9179139207
(NY.Brooklyn.Ave M & ocean ave)