- Post ID : 74715
- Poster's age : 26
- City : Brooklyn
- Address : Brooklyn, OUT CALLS ONLY-- {PinK LiPs & NiCe FeeT}
{{ $1o0 SpeCiaL }} **SLiM EXoTiC ReDBoNe** {{ NoN RuSheD SeSsioNs & On TiMe ArriVaLs At YouR DooR }} - 19
Posted : Tuesday, January 21, 2025 04:05 PM | 14 views
SoMeThinG ii Do BesT BeCauSe iiT PLeaSeS Me ToO. ii NeVeR RuSh DoinG WhaT ii Do BesT WhiLe iiM WiTh YoU. iiM The AnSweR To ALL Of YouR NeeDs AnD DeSiRes.
SLiM MiXeD ReDBoNe. ii Am 100% ReaL ((PiCs FoR ProoF)). GoLDeN LiGhT SmooTh SkiN, BeDRooM BroWn EyeS, PinK LipS iN ALL The RighT PLaCeS. PreTTy FeeT & ToeS, ALwayS SmeLL GooD AnD LooK GooD.
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